The library is proud to sponsor talks by W&L faculty, staff, and students who have recently completed a major creative or scholarly work. This could be a fiction or non-fiction book, published paper or report, film, play, musical composition, art exhibition, etc. We have two options for these talks. Please contact KT Vaughan for questions about either option.
Option 1
Basse Salon: We welcome Assistant Professors, non-tenure track faculty, postdoctoral scholars, visiting faculty, and staff to be speakers in this series. Events are held during the day in either the Harte Center Gallery or Northen Auditorium, and include a light lunch. The library covers limited advertising (social media, campus notices, etc.) for the event, and encourages co-sponsorship with the speaker’s home department for additional support. We will invite up to four speakers to present “Salons” each academic year.
Option 2
Departmentally-Managed Talks: This is for faculty at any rank, staff, and students. The library will co-sponsor these events provided that the speaker’s home department organizes and advertises the event. The library can book space in either Northen Auditorium or the Harte Center and may help pay for food.