Because our books are organized using the Library of Congress Classification System, browsing Leyburn and Telford can be trickier than browsing your local public library--particularly when it comes to fiction. Conversely, our new and popular reading collection on Leyburn's Main Floor is highly browsable and organized alphabetically by author.

If you do want to browse the general book stacks, the Library of Congress Classification System divides materials into the following categories:

Some popular categories for browsing:

  • History of the American Revolution: E201-E298 [Lower Level 2]
  • Manga: PN6790 [Lower Level 3]
  • English Literature: PR [Lower Level 4]
  • American Literature: PS [Lower Level 4]
  • Cookbooks: TX642-840 [Lower Level 4]

Guidance on interpreting a library of congress call number