What online library resources are available to alumni?

W&L Law Library provides HeinOnline for all Washington and Lee University alumni. Graduates of the Law School, as well as W&L’s undergraduate schools, are eligible for access at no cost.

The special subscription includes full access to HeinOnline’s Law Journal Library, a collection of over 3,000 fully searchable scholarly and professional journals, browsable or downloadable in PDF and dating back to their first issue ever published. The one-of-a-kind database spans more than 42 million pages and 40 disciplines.

Access to the journals is complemented by Fastcase, a leading next-generation legal research service with tools to make case law research faster than ever: Case citations within articles are highlighted and hyperlinked to the judicial opinion in Fastcase. Users can also look up a case directly in Fastcase with HeinOnline’s citation tools.

HeinOnline for alumni is accessible through the the Colonnade Connections / Friends of the Library webpage. To create a Colonnade Connections account, register online or contact the W&L Office of Alumni Engagement.



  • Last Updated Dec 11, 2023
  • Views 41
  • Answered By Andrew Christensen

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