How do I get research help?


Ask a Librarian

The Reference Team at Washington and Lee consists of law librarians who assist faculty, administrators, staff, students, and other patrons with their research needs. The Reference Team may not provide legal advice or services. For more information, please email us at


Research Assistance for Law Students

The Reference Team assists law students in planning their research strategy, identifying relevant resources for their research endeavors, and locating materials for their academic studies. To schedule an appointment, please email us at


Research and Instructional Services for Faculty

The Reference Team assists faculty members in identifying and locating resources to support academic and scholarly interests, creating topic specific bibliographies, and providing assistance and instruction for faculty research assistants. Law librarians are also available to provide class instruction, guest lectures, or online assistance with research techniques and resources, database introduction and exploration, topical research guides in print or online, and library tours.

The Andrew W. McThenia Faculty Research Assistants, a pool of second- and third-year law students selected and overseen by a law librarian, provide curated research support for the scholarly activities of the W&L Law faculty and administration. The McThenia RAs assist with faculty projects of varying scope and duration. 

For more information or assistance with any of your research or instructional needs, please contact Andrew Christensen at


Research Assistance for Lewis F. Powell Archives

The Lewis F. Powell Jr. Archives contain the papers of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Lewis F. Powell Jr. and other primary sources of legal history; Rare Book Collection; W&L Law faculty publications; law school administrative records; teaching and examination materials; moot court materials; law school publications of record; and student organization records. For more information, or to request assistance with archival materials, please contact the Archives at or visit the Archives on Level 1 of the Law Library.


  • Last Updated Aug 07, 2023
  • Views 45
  • Answered By Ashley Evans

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